Numerical analysis of a reinforced concrete beam and a deep beam under impulsive loading

  • Adam Stolarski Militaty Univeysity of Technology
  • Waldemar Cichorski Militaty Univeysity of Technology


An analysis of the dynamic behaviour of a reinforced concrete beam and a deep beam taking into account the physical non-linearities of structural materials is presented in this paper. The modified model of the elastic/ visco-perfectly plastic material with regard to delayed yield effect was applied to the reinforcing steel. The non-standard model of dynamic deformation was applied to the concrete. The model describes the elastic properties until attaining the dynamic strength of concrete, perfectly plastic properties in the limited range of deformation, material softening, and smeared cracking or crushing which are concentrated in the regions of the tensile or compressive residual stress states. Interaction between the reinforcing steel and the concrete is conditioned by the assumption of perfect consistency of displacements of both materials. The ratio of this interaction depends on the phase of deformation of the concrete. The method of analysis of the structural system was developed using the finite element method. The results of numerical solutions are presented. The effectiveness of the method of analysis and computational algorithms for problems of numerical simulation of the reinforced concrete beam and the deep beam dynamic behaviour is indicated in this paper.


R/ C deep beam, physical non-linearity, dynamics, numerical analysis,


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Nov 21, 2022
How to Cite
STOLARSKI, Adam; CICHORSKI, Waldemar. Numerical analysis of a reinforced concrete beam and a deep beam under impulsive loading. Computer Assisted Methods in Engineering and Science, [S.l.], v. 12, n. 4, p. 299-328, nov. 2022. ISSN 2956-5839. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 09 mar. 2025.