Identification in multiscale thermoelastic problems

  • Adam Długosz
  • Tadeusz Burczyński


The paper deals with the identification in multiscale analysis of structures under thermal and mechanical loads. A two-scale model of porous materials is examined. Direct thermoelastic analyses with representative volume element (RVE) and finite element method (FEM) are taken into account. Identification of material constants of the microstructure and identification of the shape of the voids in the microstructure are considered. Identification functional is formulated on the basis of information obtained from measurements in mechanical and thermal fields. Evolutionary algorithm is used for the identification as the optimization technique. Numerical examples of identification for porous aluminum models are enclosed.


multiscale modeling, numerical homogenization, thermoelasticity, evolutionary algorithms, identification, coupled problems, finite element method,


Jan 25, 2017
How to Cite
DŁUGOSZ, Adam; BURCZYŃSKI, Tadeusz. Identification in multiscale thermoelastic problems. Computer Assisted Methods in Engineering and Science, [S.l.], v. 20, n. 4, p. 325-336, jan. 2017. ISSN 2956-5839. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 09 mar. 2025.