Decentralized Device Authentication for Cloud Systems with Blockchain Using Skip Graph Algorithm
Cloud computing provides centralized computing services to the user on demand. Despite this sophisticated service, it suffers from single-point failure, which blocks the entire system. Many security operations consider this single-point failure, which demands alternate security solutions to the aforesaid problem. Blockchain technology provides a corrective measure to a single-point failure with the decentralized operation. The devices communicating in the cloud environment range from small IoT devices to large cloud data storage. The nodes should be effectively authenticated in a blockchain environment. Mutual authentication is time-efficient when the network is small. However, as the network scales, authentication is less time-efficient, and dynamic scalability is not possible with smart contract-based authentication. To address this issue, the blockchain node runs the skip graph algorithm to retrieve the registered node. The skip graph algorithm possesses scalability and decentralized nature, and retrieves a node by finding the longest prefix matching. The worst time complexity is O(log n) for maximum n nodes. This method ensures fast nodal retrieval in the mutual authentication process. The proposed search by name id algorithm through skip graph is efficient compared with the state-of-art existing work and the performance is also good compared with the existing work where the latency is reduced by 30–80%, and the power consumption is reduced by 32–50% compared to other considered approaches.
authentication, blockchain, cloud computing, edge computing, fog computing, latency, power consumption, single-point failure, skip graph, search by name ID algorithm,References
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