
SI on Engineering Optimization

  • Bartłomiej Błachowski Institute of Fundamental Technological Research, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw
  • Piotr Tauzowski Institute of Fundamental Technological Research, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw


This issue of CAMES is dedicated to the memory of Professor Witold Gutkowski in recognition of his vision, leadership, and contributions to the field of Structural Optimization. The contents of this special issue comprise a biography of Professor Gutkowski and six research papers presented during the Workshop on Engineering Optimization (WEO-2019). The Workshop was held at the Institute of Fundamental Technological Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences (IPPT PAN) on November 4th, 2019, and gathered 30 participants from five European countries. The papers address a variety of applications and  cover a breadth of topics ranging from theory to computational methods.
Engineering Optimization is a multidisciplinary research area applied in such fields as: mechanical, aeronautical, electrical and civil engineering. In particular, since its beginning in the nineteenth century and the pioneering works by Maxwell and Michell, significant progress in structural optimization has been made. Initially in the field of structural optimization researchers worked on size and shape optimization problems. Currently, their efforts are oriented towards topology optimization under deterministic or probabilistic forces with multiple load conditions and the designs based on linearly elastic or elastoplastic materials.


engineering optimization,


1. Bartłomiej Błachowski, Paweł Hołobut, In Memoriam – Professor Witold Gutkowski, doi: 10.24423/cames.293.
2. János Lógó, Hussein Ismail, Milestones in the 150-Year History of Topology Optimization: A review, doi: 10.24423/cames.296.
3. Cezary Graczykowski, Tomasz Lewiński, Applications of Michell’s Theory in Design of High-Rise Buildings, Large-Scale Roofs and Long-Span Bridges, doi: 10.24423/cames.288.
4. Machi Zawidzki, The Overview of Optimization Methods Applied to Truss-Z Modular System, doi: 10.24423/cames.291.
5. Maksym Grzywiński, Size and Shape Design Optimization of Truss Structures Using the Jaya Algorithm, doi: 10.24423/cames.282.
6. Karol Bołbotowski, Tomasz Lewiński, Tomasz Sokół, Michell Structures within L-Shaped Domains, doi: 10.24423/cames.281.
7. Benedek A. Lógó, Balázs Vásárhelyi, Parametric Study on the Connection Between the Poisson’s Ratio, the GSI and the Environmental Stress, doi: 10.24423/cames.287.
Sep 25, 2020
How to Cite
BŁACHOWSKI, Bartłomiej; TAUZOWSKI, Piotr. Preface. Computer Assisted Methods in Engineering and Science, [S.l.], v. 27, n. 2–3, p. 89–91, sep. 2020. ISSN 2956-5839. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 09 mar. 2025.