Optimal remodelling of truss structures (simulation by virtual distortions)
Optimal remodelling for least-weight trusses under single as well as multi-load state and limits imposed on local strains is considered. The so called Virtual Distortion Method is applied to simulate proces of structural remodelling through fictitious "virtual distortions" . In effect, applying knowledge of strains induced by virtual distortions modelling material redistribution, analytical formulas for sensitivity analysis and remodelling simulation process can be obtained. Various algorithms for the VDM-based structural remodelling have been proposed and tested on examples of elastic and elasto-plastic trusses.
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Jun 22, 2023
How to Cite
Optimal remodelling of truss structures (simulation by virtual distortions).
Computer Assisted Methods in Engineering and Science, [S.l.], v. 4, n. 2, p. 257-281, june 2023.
ISSN 2956-5839.
Available at: <https://cames.ippt.gov.pl/index.php/cames/article/view/1406>. Date accessed: 09 mar. 2025.

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