Efficient free vibration analysis of large structures with close or ultiple natural frequencies. Part II: Damped structures
An efficient solution method is presented to solve the eigenvalue problem arising in the dynamic analysis of nonproportionally damped structural systems with close or multiple eigenvalues. The proposed method is obtained by applying the modified Newton- Raphson technique and the orthonormal condition of the eigenvectors to the linear eigenproblem format through matrix augmentation of the quadratic eigenvalue problem. In the iteration methods such as the inverse iteration method and the subspace iteration method, singularity may be occurred during the factorizing process when the shift value is close to an eigenvalue of the system. However, even if the shift value is an eigenvalue of the system, the proposed method guarantees nonsingularity, which is analytically proved. The initial values of the proposed method can be taken as the intermediate results of iteration methods or results of approximate methods. Two numerical examples are also presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method and the results are compared with those of the well-known subspace iteration method and the Lanczos method.
quadratic eigenproblem, eigenvalue, non-proportional damped system,References
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