Unified theory of Trefftz methods and numerical implications
In the 1st International Workshop, devoted to Trefftz Method, the author presented an indirect approach to Trefftz Method (Trefftz-Herrera Method), while in the Second one some of the basic ideas of how to integrate different approaches to Trefftz method were introduced. The present Plenary Lecture, corresponding to the 3rd International Workshop of this series, is devoted to show that Trefftz Method, when formulated in an suitable framework, is a very broad concept capable of incorporating and unifying many numerical methods for partial differential equations. In this manner, the unified theory of Trefftz Method that was announced in the second publication of this series, has been developed. It includes Direct Trefftz Methods (Trefftz-Jirousek) and Indirect Trefftz Methods (Trefftz-Herrera). At present, the unified theory is fully developed and an overview is given here, as well as a brief description of its numerical implications.
[1] I. Herrera. Thefftz method: A general theory. Numer Meths for PDE, 16(6): 561- 580, 2000.[2] I. Herrera. A unified theory of domain decomposition methods. In: 14th Int. Conf. on DDM, Cocoyoc, Mex., 2002.
[3] I. Herrera. Thefftz-Herrera Method. CAMES, 4: 369- 382, 1997.
[4] I. Herrera. Thefftz-Herrera domain decomposition. Advances in Engineering Software, 24: 43-56, 1995. Special Volume on Thefftz Method: 70 Years Anniversary.
[5] I. Herrera. On Jirousek method and its generalizations. CAMES, 8: 325- 342, 200l.

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